Finding Hope for Change


Finding Hope for Change by Carrie Wilkens, PhD If you love someone who struggles with substance, you may be facing increased stress during the pandemic. Maybe you are sheltering in place with the person you are

Finding Hope for Change2020-04-22T21:10:21+00:00

Beware of a Snow Day


Beware of a Snow Day by Jeff Foote, PhD Dealing with a destructive relationship to substances…and doing the huge work of changing that relationship… is a process of mastery. It requires focus, intensity, perseverance, commitment, and

Beware of a Snow Day2020-04-22T21:07:17+00:00

Welcoming An Adult Child Back Home Because of COVID-19


Welcoming An Adult Child Back Home Because of COVID-19 MARCH 27, 2020 BY KEVIN COLLINS, SVP, DIRECTOR OF PARENT AND COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES Many of us now find our adult-aged children unexpectedly back at home. And not

Welcoming An Adult Child Back Home Because of COVID-192020-04-01T21:47:43+00:00
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