Navigating the Holidays When Your Child is in Early Recovery from Addiction


Navigating the Holidays When Your Child is in Early Recovery from Addiction DECEMBER 13, 2018 BY DR. JOHN DYBEN, DHSC, MCAP, CMHP – CLINICAL FELLOW Families can experience many emotions while navigating the holidays, whether

Navigating the Holidays When Your Child is in Early Recovery from Addiction2018-12-14T20:56:48+00:00

5 Tools Parents Can Use to Help Their Children (and Themselves!)


5 Tools Parents Can Use to Help Their Children (and Themselves!) by Josh King, PsyD Being a parent is hard under the best circumstances. Being a parent of a child who is using substances can

5 Tools Parents Can Use to Help Their Children (and Themselves!)2018-12-12T12:13:36+00:00

3 Truths About Change


3 Truths About Change by Carrie Wilkens, PhD If you or someone you love struggles with substances, how you understand the problem matters a lot! If you approach it from the perspective that substance problems are

3 Truths About Change2018-12-12T12:11:42+00:00

n Open Letter to Parents on Loving your Child through Addiction


An Open Letter to Parents on Loving your Child through Addiction NOVEMBER 17, 2018 IN ADDICTION, FAMILY, RELATIONSHIPS In 2010, my parents received an urgent call from me: my roommate was spying on me. This wasn’t the truth but this

n Open Letter to Parents on Loving your Child through Addiction2018-12-06T23:18:30+00:00
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